Great service, great product and very helpful – Landert Gives Great Service
Executive Chef Robert Saalfeld
Naples Lakes Country Club, Naples
Excellent/Awesome product and great service
Executive Chef Joseph Gross
The Club at Pelican Bay, Naples
“The breads and pastries of Landert Bread are amazing! They go above and beyond to deliver the highest standard products.”
Mutual of Omaha Bank
Naples, Florida

“The bread is of the highest quality and the delivery is very good as well. Landert Bread shows how a great company should be run and the ownership is top notch.”
Richard Brown
Executive Chef
The Quarry Golf Club
“These products are by far the best out there in the market place and you definitely cannot beat the service. Thumbs up all around …”
The Club at Olde Cypress, Naples, Florida

“Landert Bread provides us with a variety of high quality, European Artisan products we demand. The taste, smell, texture, the natural ingredients is exactly what I remember from my time working in Switzerland. We continue ordering from Landert Bread because their products are of exceptional quality.”
Andreas Singer
Director of Food and Beverage
& Culinary Operation
Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort, Estero, Florida.

“Landert Bread delivers us with different products. The high quality of these European bread and pastry products exceeded my expectations. The dinner rolls are exeptional. Both, our club members and myself really enjoy these products.”
Wilhelm Gahabka
Executive Chef

I’d like to introduce you to Jürg from Landert Bread. Landert Bread has been doing some great work for us and I thought you might benefit from their services.
Since Landert Bread presented their products in 2012, we keep ordering from them. Both, our club members and I enjoy these authentic European bread and pastry products very much.
Here’s why I think they’re so great:
“The quality and standards of the products delivered is outstanding. Personal customer service is remarkable”.
Werner Dietrich
Executive Chef
Ft. Myers, Florida
Since Landert Bread is our vendor for special European bread, our customers always come back and ask for these products. They appreciate that these products are made only with natural, unadulterated ingredients, without additives and preservatives. In addition, they are GMO-free.
Wynn’s Market
Naples, Fl. 34102